JUTC News Release

Commuters urged to desist from running alongside buses at Lay-bys


The Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited has noticed in recent times that commuters to include students, who use our service at North and South Parade downtown, Kingston, specifically at our lay-bys, have been doing so recklessly. Commuters have been engaging in the dangerous practice of running along buses as the unit enter the lay-bys in an effort to get inside of them. This practice is wholly unsafe and could result in injury or worse, a fatality.

Corporate Communications Manager Cecil Thoms is encouraging commuters to observe proper road usage.

“We understand the challenge currently being experienced and the frustration that the long waiting time is causing. However, we implore teachers, parents and guardians to remind children/students not to rush or run alongside a bus before it comes to a complete stop. Students and adult passenger alike must wait on the sidewalk or curb until it is safe to enter the bus” Mr. Thoms said.

Continuing, he noted that “the JUTC will be reaching out to schools to enlist the support of Principals, the Road Safety Council and parent teacher groups in reminding students about proper road usage as well as good pedestrian behaviour. While we make this appeal, we are also encouraging our adults to be proper role models and to protect our children”.

Additionally, we know that as the Christmas season approaches, there will be more demand for our service and as such we are doing all we can to increase our bus rollout to reduce crowding at our lay-bys. We ask for your continued patience and understanding as we look forward to receiving brand new buses next year.