JUTC News Release

JUTC drivers abducted and robbed

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited, JUTC, is confirming reports circulating on social media that two of our drivers were abducted and robbed at gun-point outside of our Rockfort Depot in Kingston on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

It is reported that about 8pm, the drivers’ shift ended and they were standing in front of the depot awaiting public transportation when a black seven-seater vehicle with red plates stopped. They boarded the taxi and upon reaching the vicinity of Caribbean Cement Company, they were held at gun point and knife point, tied up and abducted by three men who were posing as passengers. They took their personal valuables; including cash and the company’s identification cards. They reportedly drove around with the staff for four hours eventually releasing them at the Waterfront in downtown, Kingston.

The matter has been reported to the police and an investigation into the incident is underway. The JUTC is urging the Police Command to treat this matter with alacrity to bring the perpetrators to justice. We are further appealing to the police to increase their presence in the area to make staff and residents feel safe.

Corporate Communications Manager Cecil Thoms says the incident is regrettable and represents a major challenge faced by the society at large. “I am especially grateful that they were not physically harmed but understandably have been traumatized by the incident.  We will be providing psycho-social support to them shortly to deal with this unfortunate ordeal.”

The JUTC provides a pick-up service for its staff twice daily, early in the mornings (from as early as 2am) and in the evenings (from 9/10pm) pending curfew times.

We are appealing to anyone with information that can assist the police in their investigation to contact the police. We also wish to appeal our commuters to remain vigilant during this festive season.