JUTC News Release

JUTC & Ministry of Health to Stage Vax-up Day at Half-Way-Tree Transport Centre

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company Ltd in partnership with the Ministry of Health & Wellness will on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, mount its first vaccination effort dubbed Vax-Up Day at the Half-Way- Tree Transport Centre, St. Andrew.  It will run from 10am – 7pm.

Corporate Communications Manager at the JUTC Cecil Thoms says “it is clear to us that as a group interacting with members of the public daily, we must play our part in ensuring the safety and well-being of our staff, passengers and families.”

Mr. Thoms added that “Over the past two weeks or so, we have been working closely with the Ministry of Health in staging a series of sensitization and awareness forum virtually, to ensuring that information is available to our staff. In these sessions, employees were able to ask questions and get answers on the spot from medical professionals,” Mr. Thoms said.

Continuing, Mr. Thoms noted that “Vax-Up Day is to encourage our team and the general public at large to get vaccinated as we look towards being with family and friends for the Christmas and beyond. The longer there is vaccine hesitancy, the longer it will take for us to return to a semblance of normalcy,” he added.

The Ministry of Health will be providing 1st and 2nd doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine as well as the single dose Johnson and Johnson.

The JUTC is encouraging commuters who are yet to be vaccinated to use this opportunity to do so. Walk with your government-issued I.D. and remember your vaccination card, if you are receiving your second dose.

Participants will be refreshed by Catherine’s Peak, Nestle and Mighty Malt.

The JUTC continues to urge the public to adhere to the established COVID-19 guidelines to limit the spread of the virus.