JUTC investigation reveals potential cause of recent fires

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, continues to investigate the recent bus fires and has found some startling bit of information. Since the Company intensified its monitoring and assessment of buses over the course of two weeks, it has unearthed what appears to be substandard workmanship which may have caused two of the three fires.

Managing Director of the JUTC Paul Abrahams says “it appears there are efforts to undermine the operations of the bus company; both internal and external. This includes attack on members of staff and its assets. During preventative fire checks these past two weekends , we have found instances of serious breaches including but not limited to; fuel line being too loose beside a turbo, and a rag that was used to tie a hydraulic line among other displaced connections in the engine. These breaches can cause spontaneous combustion when in operation mode and may have prompted at least two of the three fires.  We are taking a zero tolerance approach to the recent fires and have warned personnel that there should be no recurrence,” adding that with the recent fires, greater focus is being placed on quality maintenance of all units.

In light of the recent fires, a Fire Prevention Team was formed. The main objective of this team is to ensure that all units are up to safety standards for the commuting public and that all procedures are adhered to. At a separate meeting this week (on Monday), Mr. Abrahams said that the fire team will report every week on the faults they have found and the corrective measures they have put in place.  A fire prevention checklist has also been developed and the staff has been given refresher fire prevention training, in addition to the regular maintenance programme in effect.

Mr. Abrahams says administrative sanctions following due process will be brought to bear on those found to be responsible for poor workmanship and that the investigations continue.

Meanwhile, the management of the JUTC is appealing to members of the public to report any infractions by its staff or the public, to include but not limited to stone throwing incidents, bus fires, and or customer service issues. The public may call toll free 876. 888.588.2287, whatsApp 876.570.1789 or use our social media platforms – @jutcltd for twitter and www.facebook.com/jutcltd.

Thank you for your support as we work towards fixing this challenge

Special Fire Teams established across all depots to monitor buses

The management of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, this morning held an emergency meeting in the wake of three buses being impacted by fire in the last seven days. The issues arising from each incident were discussed and plans put in place to prevent a recurrence.

One of the short term plans is that the buses will come under greater scrutiny by our Maintenance Department. Although there is in place a monthly fire prevention maintenance programme, a decision was taken to establish Special Fire teams across the depots with the sole purpose of assessing and monitoring the fleet fortnightly instead of monthly. The special team will be headed by a fleet engineer and has been implemented with immediate effect.

Our team of mechanics and engineers will also ramp up control mechanisms such as valve adjustments, back pressure testing and coolant density tests.

Managing Director of the JUTC, Paul Abrahams, says “we note the concerns from our valued customers and wish to reassure them that we do not take these fires lightly and will put all measures in place to ensure their safety”.

The latest incident happened about minutes to 8 o’clock last night on Winchester/Hope Road, St. Andrew.

The quick action of the driver prevented the fire from spreading as he used the extinguisher to put out the blaze. He was subsequently assisted by members of the Jamaica Fire Brigade.

The fire is suspected to be caused by an oil leak. No one was injured and the superstructure of the bus was not compromised.

The bus will be back in operation in a few days.

Last night’s incident occurred metres away from the previous fire on Tuesday night which was caused by arson.

Police and JUTC launch investigation into fire that destroyed bus last night

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, and the Police have launched an investigation into last night’s fire which destroyed a bus on Hope Road that was coming from Downtown via Mountain View Avenue, Kingston.

Reports are that around 7:35pm, the driver set down passengers at a bus stop adjacent to the Clock Tower Plaza on Hope Road, when he was alerted by other passengers that there was a fire inside the back of the bus. The driver reportedly ushered the remaining passengers off the unit with a view to put out the fire with an extinguisher. However, the bus became quickly engulfed in flames.

The Managing Director of the JUTC, Paul Abrahams, says preliminary reports from the Police and our investigators reveal that the engine compartment was not damaged or burnt. It is therefore clear that investigators must pursue a different angle” he said. No one was injured and for that we are truly grateful, continued Mr. Abrahams.

Meanwhile, Corporate Communications Manager, Cecil Thoms is seeking to allay fears concerning the safety of JUTC buses. He says the buses as a matter of course are routinely serviced and maintained. “Our drivers are also trained such that they disembark passengers as a matter of priority in treating with these issues when they arise” he said.

We await the outcome of the investigations.

Passenger cuts JUTC driver in the face

Spanish Town, St. Catherine – A Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, bus driver is nursing knife wounds after he was violently attacked by a passenger this morning in Half Way Tree, St. Andrew.

According to preliminary reports, sometime after 9 this morning, a passenger boarded a bus inside the Half Way Tree Transport Centre and soon thereafter began complaining that the bus was too cold.

He reportedly proceeded to open a window when he was told by the driver that it would affect the air conditioning and that the window must be kept closed.

The passenger reportedly demanded back his fare and soon thereafter approached the driver who was preparing to return the money when he was slashed in the face.

The attacker ran off the bus, but was pursued by the driver who eventually held him along Eastwood Park Road where the Police intervened and accosted the man.

Paul Abrahams, Managing Director of the JUTC along with other senior managers visited the hospital where the driver is being treated to ensure he is given the best care possible.

“The JUTC condemns the wanton attacks on drivers who are providing an essential service to law abiding Jamaicans.” He appealed to fellow drivers for calm, who suspended their service for an hour in a show of solidarity as they vented their disapproval over the incident. The drivers have since resumed their duties.

Meanwhile, Cecil Thoms, the Company’s Corporate Communications Manager, says the latest attack comes on the heels of a similar incident earlier this month in which another driver was stabbed multiple times in the Half Way Tree area.

“These incidents are very concerning and we hope that this does not become a trend. We are appealing to passengers to not tamper with any part of the bus and to generally abide by the company’s rules, and wish our driver a speedy recovery.”

New Turnaround of JUTC Buses Should Ameliorate Frustration of Above Rocks Residents

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, says it has located a plot of land in Above Rocks St. Catherine, where its buses will now turnaround, which should ameliorate the inconvenience and frustration of residents. This follows a breakaway on a section of the main road last week.

Corporate Communications Manager, Cecil Thoms, says a team comprising our Service Planning, Accident, Training Departments, as well as the Above Rocks Police and members of the community, went in search of a more appropriate point for the turnaround of buses.

The team was shown a plot of land with space for turning, which is about 200 metres from the terminus (St. Mary’s College), which is before the breakaway.

The owner of the property was contacted and permission given to use this area as a turnaround point.

Last week, the Bus Company was forced to shorten route 53 at Parks Road, which is a mile and half from the terminus. Route 53 plies Half Way Tree, Constant Spring, Stony Hill and Above Rocks.