Price increase for replacement Smartercard effective September 26, 2022

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, is advising commuters that there will be an increase in the replacement of Smartercards effective Monday, September 26, 2022. This is due to a significant increase in the production cost of our Smartercards by our international supplier.

Concession passengers will now pay $400 up from $300.
Adult passengers will now pay $700 up from $500.

No fees are attached to new Smartercards. However, customers are free to determine how much they wish to load on the card.

The Smartercard is a convenient rechargeable system used by JUTC passengers to pay for their fares.

If you have any questions, please visit Customer Service, or call 876-948-4240.

JUTC records massive reductions in accidents from 2017 to 2022


The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) has for over two decades, been relied on to transport large groups of people and carry our children to and from school. Our commuters are primarily from the working class and those sections of the population deemed most vulnerable. While safety is our utmost priority, we cannot predict collisions, accidents or incidents example stone throwing. However, we can and have been engaged in several mitigation programmes to reduce accident numbers.

Since April 2017 to March 2022, we have had a total of 3, 963 accidents which is inclusive of accidents where third parties are at fault and/or contributed to the accidents. Please see breakdown of the number of accidents in each year below.

  • April 2017 to March 2018: 1,049
  • April 2018 to March 2019: 1,033
  • April 2019 to  March 2020: 891
  • April 2020 to March 2021: 543
  • April 2021 to March 2022: 447


An analysis of the data reveals a few things, firstly, that since April 2017 to March 2022, there has been a 57% reduction in accidents. Secondly, year over year, the number of accidents have been trending down from 1,049 in 2017 to 1,033 (16 less accidents) in 2018. Between 2019 and 2020, there was a 33% decline in accidents with 891 and 543 respectively. While for 2021 to March 2022, there were 447 accidents.

Corporate Communications Manager Cecil Thoms says “we are coming from a period where the number of accidents was particularly high but have since stabilized, which suggests we are doing something right. We have implemented several mitigation programmes which are bearing fruit and we will continue on this thrust. These include but are not limited to constant training and retraining, one on one dialogue with members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force on Road Safety, internal accident reductions sessions as well as applying disciplinary sanctions where possible. Our goal is to not have any accidents, but this is not an ideal world and so from time to time, there will be. Nonetheless, we will continue to do all we can to preserve life and property and encourage road users and other motorists to do the same.”

JUTC adjusts operations on route 53

Spanish Town, St. Catherine: The Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, wishes to advise the public, that due to the blockage of several sections of the roadway in Above Rocks, St Catherine, due to social unrest, there will be changes to the termination point on route 53.

Effective immediately, buses will now terminate at Finger Point Post until the road is cleared.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and urge the commuting public to take all necessary precautions.

JUTC Sub-franchise Operators Granted Two Weeks Extension to Renew Road Licenses

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited, JUTC, wishes to advise its sub-franchise operators, that they have been granted an extension of Fourteen (14) working days commencing April 1, 2022 to April 14, 2022 to renew their road licenses. Sub-franchise road licenses expired on March 31, 2022.

Operators are encouraged to take advantage of the grace period to avoid prosecution, as no further extensions will be given.

The JUTC collaborates with private operators to provide supplemental services on certain routes within the Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region.