JUTC Shuts Corporate Office for the Second Time, Depot Still Operating

The management of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited, JUTC, is advising the public that its corporate office located at Twickenham Park, St. Catherine, will be closed today, Tuesday August 25, 2020 and Wednesday August 26, 2020. This, after two additional staff presented with flu-like symptoms who may have had interactions with an employee who yesterday was confirmed as COVID-19 positive.

The closure should not affect our depot which is located on the same property and or the service provided by our drivers said Corporate Communications Manager, Cecil Thoms. “To be clear, only the administrative staff has been sent home. Our drivers and dispatchers are still on the job. As we did yesterday, we will again ensure the deep cleaning our buildings. “ Thoms said.

In addition to that, we are seeking to have the Health Ministry come in to test employees, as well as to help us conduct the necessary contact tracing to mitigate any potential spread. We are not taking this lightly and are doing everything we can to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff and by extension the public at large.

Yesterday, the corporate office was shuttered following the confirmation of a Covid19 case.

All things being equal, we will resume normal operations of our corporate office on Thursday, August 27, 2020.

Please note, that should commuters have any queries or concern re-schedules, they may call our customer service number at 876.948.4240 / 876.570-1789 or visit our website at www.jutc.gov.jm and our social media platforms (@jutcltd) for updates.

Keep safe and remember to wear a mask when using the JUTC.

JUTC Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

An employee of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited, JUTC, has tested positive for Covid-19.

The employee who came in contact with someone who had the virus has been in home quarantine since Monday, August 17, 2020 after complaining of not feeling well. The staff member did the Covid-19 test on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 and got back the results today confirming a positive case.

In keeping with our own established protocol, the JUTC this morning suspended administrative operations at its corporate office in Spanish Town. The suspension of operations will allow for deep cleaning and sanitization of buildings.

We are also in touch with representatives of the Ministry of Health.

Please note, that this should not cause any disruption to our transportation services.

Our corporate offices are scheduled to re-open for normal operations tomorrow, August 25, 2020.

We once again urge members of the public to take all the necessary health precautions for their personal safety and that of other commuters and to wear a mask when using public transportation.

JUTC Operations to be Impacted by New Curfew

Consequent on the announcement of a new curfew that will take effect tomorrow Saturday, August 22, 2020 beginning at 7pm until 5am through to Wednesday, September 2, 2020, the Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited, JUTC, is advising the public that its operating hours will be impacted.

Buses that would normally be dispatched from as early as 4 in the mornings will now be done at 5am. This means the first commute will likely take place at or around 6am. While between 7pm and 8pm buses are to be taken back to their depots without passengers.

We take this opportunity urge passengers to not wait until the last minute to transact business and to be at the bus stop as early as possible, as some routes take up to two hours to complete. We are also encouraging commuters to top up their smartercards to eliminate the use of cash and to wear their masks for the entire length of their journey.

The new curfew will be imposed in Kingston & Andrew, St. Catherine, Clarendom and St. Thomas.

JUTC Board Summons Senior Managers to Meeting Following Auditor General’s Report

The Board of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited, JUTC, has summoned all senior managers to a meeting set for Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 8am to discuss the findings of the Auditor General’s performance audit into the operations of the bus company.

The Board says it takes the findings of the performance audit seriously as the JUTC is a public body subject to Government regulations.

It says the meeting will also seek to discuss the recommendations of the Auditor General and to urgently make policy to correct the breaches identified.