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Posted On: 25 Sep 2019
UPDATE – JUTC to beef up security across its operations
The Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, is to enhance security across its operations following two incidents resulting in the deaths of an employee and a taxi operator. The Company hopes to have a phased roll-out of buses from its Spanish…

Posted On: 24 Sep 2019
JUTC to have full resumption of service by 5pm this afternoon
The management of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, held an emergency meeting with various stakeholders this morning, following two tragic incidents which have left a JUTC driver and a taxi operator dead. Several stakeholders were present including the Police…

Posted On: 24 Sep 2019
JUTC expresses condolences to families and call for calm following two tragic incidents
The Jamaica Urban Transit Company, JUTC, notes with regret two tragic incidents involving its staff and a taxi operator over the past 36 hours. The management of the JUTC wishes to express its deepest condolences and sympathies to the family…